I recently turned in assignment 18 to my mentor and that makes it only two lessons left. these next two lessons will be focusing on prepping to get my first radio job... Read More >>
Ever since i could remeber, i loved to talk. I was seen making converssations with everybody even strangers. Around my middle school yeras, i decided that the major i wanted to study once i got to college would be law and pursue a career in being a lawyer. Fast forward to my senior year in high school, I realized that I wanted to wake up and do something that i would look forward every day and thats when i realized law wasnt for me. As im trying to figure out what i want to do with my life after high school, I noticed that i was able to make people laugh and keep a good convesation going. People would even told me that i should have a talk show one day, and thats when it clicked me, it was there all along this time, Radio is the place for me since I love talking and keeping a conversation. Now im going full on, on pursuing this radio career. Ill aslo be going to college of the canyons to major in communications. My major influnces are the woody show and Howard Stern.
I recently turned in assignment 18 to my mentor and that makes it only two lessons left. these next two lessons will be focusing on prepping to get my first radio job... Read More >>
For this lesson my mentor asked me to write a news spot on the annual sacramento trip the station takes where they go and talk to the heads of the state about on going issues in the santa clairta community... Read More >>