At the cusp of the Interview assignment, I was greeted with news that Ross (our Production Director) was looking to make some hires with in the next month of two. With that news being presented to us, Ransom and myself decided that making a X107.5 demo would be a good idea so that has been my concentration for the past week here at the station. For being only 3 minutes, demos are quite nerve wrecking. Are the levels all in check? Am I stepping on any of the vocals in the ramps? Is this content attractive enough to hold listeners? Anyways, I sent my demo over to Ross and I'm patiently waiting to talk to him today about it. I was hoping to get some critiques on what I can do better. From what I'm told, you can have the greatest air-check, but a PD will always have ways you can improve because they all have an idea on how they want their station and DJs to sound so I'm anticipating those critiques and will implement them in my demos as soon as i can. With all that being said, though, I've heard it through the grapevine that he was very impressed with my demo so if all it amounts to is that, I'm still a happy man.
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