E MELODY Radio Connection

WEEK 1 Posted on 2015-11-10 by E MELODY

Hello Everyone!!!

My name is Yvonne Mitchell and I am just completing my first week of class (idk what to call it because it's not really class it's wayyy funner than that).  It was super awesome!! I can't lie I didn't really know what to expect or quite exactly what was going to happen, but I did know that this program was just want I was looking for (it just felt right).

Hanging with my mentor for our first session was pretty cool.  I knew that we were going to get along just peechy when I walked into the bathroom and saw numerous rolls of Cottonelle tissue (my fav!!!) anyone who has cottonelle can roll with me lol.  Week one was all about color space.  Color space was interesting because it was the first time I got to see anyone edit a video.  I normally see people edit pictures, but to see video editing gave me a feeling of excitement inside.  Somehow now I feel as though I don't want any video of me going out without getting edited first.  How vain I know, but what can I say when you know better you do better.

I am looking forward to week 2 as I will be given a camera to go around and collect video footage to edit of my own!!! Muah-hahahahaha in my evil dr voice.  Talk to you guys soon!!

Love Peace and Chicken Grease :)

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