I met with Richard my mentor last week and we had a talk about how to put together a podcast. He showed me the tools I needed, I learned that I needed to open accounts on YouTube, and various social media outlets. and I learned about software to record my podcasts. I also spoke to my advisor Eliot who told me about Libsyn and how to put my podcast on there. I learned about Garage play and how to record and edit my recording of the podcast. I learned from both advisors on how to use these tools to produce a podcast
Kerwin Douze — New York City Radio Connection
More Blog Entries from Kerwin Douze
Kerwin Douze
On the 21st of December 2016 I had a session with my mentor Richard. It was a lesson that I needed to learn, we did an improptu recording just to see how I was doing... Read More >>
Kerwin Douze
My mentor Richard told me all the things I needed to know about putting my podcast together. He told me to first have a subject to talk about, to keep the audience interested in the subject... Read More >>