Hello folks!,
This is actually my first blog entry as I've encountered a few problems actually logging onto here. I guess I have quite a few things to go over then! This program has been a blessing to me in many ways. I've wanted to work in radio ever since my wrestling days started to wind down and I've met an amazing woman who pushed me to take the actual step to begin this journey.
I've had the pleasure of being able to have a wonderful mentor here in Meredith Harris. Her excitement for this was just as much as mine which made me feel great. I've been able to have a great hands on experience learning this in person. As things progress with Meredith it will lead to a once a week one hour show for me. That lights a fire under you to get even better. This is an exciting journey for me.
I was able to meet JJ from the station here in Decatur. Hes he current sports broadcaster for WATB 1420 and he runs a great show. Very nice guy whos definitely not selfish and wants to help everyone who shows care towards this dream. JJ has allowed me to be a part of his Thursday morning radio show The Fan Zone which was amazing! Absolutely awesome experience to wake up early and get the notes done and then get on the air. Really appreciate how I've been treated here.