Andrew ZaryckiHouston Radio Connection

Session 9 3/18/2015 Posted on 2015-03-27 by Andrew Zarycki

Today we discussed the Game behind the Game as my mentor put it.  There is a whole other business behind the radio business.  Making money is very important to your employers and your sponsors.  Your bosses like you making connections with people outside the radio "Game"  if it means a better profit margin for them and your station you represent.  When I'm out in public or on a satleite broadcast, not in the studio for a show, I need to be looking for opportunities to grow my brand and my stations brand and reel in connections that can profit my company and me.  For example finding new endorsments, new sponsors for the show, if your show is nationally syndicated then finding new stations that will broadcast your show in those cities.  That is the Game behind the Game. 

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