Things are going good over here! I am currently trying to get the Radio Connection completed in the best way I can, and all before my birthday on the 16th of January! I have been enjoying the amount of writing that goes into the lessons. My method of completion has been tailored to my way of work. I have written all of my scripts for the rest of the program! My plan has been to go ahead in the textbook and do all the writing/show prep that needs to be done. After I finish the writing and editing, I type up everything. And, slowly but surely, I've been getting into Studio One to record the lesson assignments that I have completed. Blogging for the final lessons will always be my last point! So that brings us here. I've managed to complete everything but recording and blogging. And at KSHP, I've continued to host the Radio Shopping Show every Thursday morning for a two hour program! There are shows when I will be busy with callers for the entire show. There have also been other days when it feels like it;s only me! Fortunately, I feel so empowered when I'm on the mic that those two hours end up feeling like twenty minutes. The shows have the easiest part! My mentor, Danny, and I are beginning to keep mental notes of some of my best work for when we start to work on my demo! Excited is an understatement!
Dana D. Green