08/31/14 7PM - 10PM
I recorded assignments nine and ten. During the crituqe it was all positive notes. The pace was good, the speech was natural, it sounded fine. He said they were both good recodrings.
08/31/14 7PM - 10PM
I recorded assignments nine and ten. During the crituqe it was all positive notes. The pace was good, the speech was natural, it sounded fine. He said they were both good recodrings.
Kevin Britton
10/19/14 6:45PM-10:15PM I recorded the rest of assignment 18, which is the final demo. My mentor critiqued it and made several observations... Read More >>
Kevin Britton
10/12/14 7PM-8:30PM I worked in the studio on assignment 18, the final demo. I recorded a psa and two commercials... Read More >>