I didn't get a chance to be with my mentor this week. I did do a lot of recording vocally. I read commercials, and did a podcast on the Royals winnning the World Series that was about 30 minutes long. I love doing those. I am going to try and podcast every day! I also did some show prep for them like in Assignment 5. I just really enjoy the creativity of it all and I believe my personallity really shines during these. I don't have much else to say other than I'm enjoying podcasting. One thing I did notice listening back to my voice is that I say "and so um..." a lot. It's annoying. I am working on that. I also need to slow down and annunicate better. When I get excited about a topic I speak really fast and don't really enunicate all that well. I'm working on that. So yea, I also say "so yea" a lot. Jeez the more I write this the more I find out I need to work on! It's all good though as I enjoy it!