Liz Faux
On Sunday March 15 I went into the WMMR studio and recorded my very own DJ show! I wrote out the script and was able to record and edit most of it on Sunday night... Read More >>
Major: Radio
My name is Liz and I've always found it easier to speak to an audience. I'm at my best with a microphone in front of me, but have had few opportunities to really shine. Since high school I've tried studying marketing, mass communications, and cosmetology. Each experience fell short of my expectations as I found myself getting whisped away in the crowd. I've always been meant to stand out. Throughout my life, whether as insult or compliment, I've always been described with adjectives such as "different" "unique" or "wierd". I have a passion to be myself and express how I feel. At 22 years old, I know that now is the perfect time for me to put myself out there and begin working towards a career in the entertainment industry.
Liz Faux
On Sunday March 15 I went into the WMMR studio and recorded my very own DJ show! I wrote out the script and was able to record and edit most of it on Sunday night... Read More >>
Liz Faux
I finally returned to the regularity of Sunday nights with Rabbi on March 8. I set up in the stuido and recorded assignment 17 which was the last scripted mock DJ show... Read More >>