Lucas KingCalifornia Radio Connection

Lesson 9-12 Posted on 2017-05-18 by Lucas King

1) Date of Session: 4/13, 4/17, 4/20, 4/24, 4/27
2) Time in: 8:00 p.m.
3) Time out: 11:30 p.m.
4) Lesson #: 9-11


Lessons 9-11 all have to do with newscasting so rather than breaking them up into several different sections we lumped everything together to create different news casts. First, just reading through a 15 minute newscast can be exhuasting. Gary gave me a 15 minute news copy to read through without stopping, it was really tiring and difficult not to get tonuge tied. However, as I continued to read and then re-read it got more comforable. Finally by the end of the long read it work out really well.

Gathering and writing my news copy was actually pretty easy. I was able to obtain a great deal of information from the AP newswire and local news outlets. The hardest part about writing the copies was wittling the copy down to a 5 or a 4 or a 2 minute block. I was able to write the copy, but then when I had to edit it in order for it to make sense and then give enough relevant information. As someone who writes news copy you have a great deal of responsibility becasue you control what information is shared with people. Being non-partisan and sharing accurate and succinct information is also important. 

Writing news stories based on demographics is also challenging. Searching out entertainment news, searching out the correct sports scores, and trying to actually target demographics is an interesting animal. Once I got going, again, it was easy, but just to switch my mindset was also a challenge. 

The on-the-spot reporting was a bit more of a challenge. Interviewing people and then editing what they say, and adding your comments in to a newscast spot is more of a challenge. It's hard to plan, and then edit and pear down, but all in all, I've listened to enough news to know how to make it sound good. 

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